10 Greatest Feud-Ending Wrestling Matches Of All Time

AKA the best times that s*** got real.

By Matthew Byrd /

Whether it starts over a championship or the cooked and eaten remains of a beloved pet, there is nothing in pro wrestling quite like a good feud. Ok, so maybe a feud over sautéed pet parts isn't exactly pro wrestling at its best, but sometimes you've got to accept a few failed attempts to get to the ones that work. When a feud works it provides months of content and years of great memories. Of course, eventually even the very best conflicts need to come to an end. It is a shame, then, that so many end with a whimper. You would think that the easiest part of a feud would be knowing how to end it properly, but as Sting/Hogan in 1997 showed, all it takes is one awful 15-minute match to undo a year or more of great work. Even rivalries that didn't have to endure the political maneuvering of Hulk Hogan have fallen victim to injuries, weak efforts and a thousand other little things that prove the final match of a feud can be a tricky piece of business to get right. But when one is done right, a proper blowoff match is as good as it gets.
