10 Hilarious Times WWE Stars Parodied Other Wrestlers

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...except for when it's not.

By Mark Riley /

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Whether it's attending a fancy dress party as a certain celebrity, or an impressionist's interpretation of a well-known star, pretending to be someone else is, at its very core, a huge compliment to whoever is being imitated; that person is famous enough to be mimicked and parodied for the entertainment of others. In professional wrestling however, such an act tends to be more of an insult. Instead of being a compliment or slap on the back in any way, imitation is a villainous, reprehensible way of getting into your opponents head. Whether it's for comedic value or to just put your rival down in the most embarrassing manner, wrestling parodies tend to highlight the absurd and ridiculous elements of anyone's persona, and make that person out to be a cheap caricature. If someone has to spend 10 minutes in the ring looking like a fool just to prove how ludicrous their opponent really is, then they've accomplished something that no amount of run-ins and beat-downs could. From the impersonations executed for the sake of a cheap pop, to the mimicking that dares to stray out of the confines of kayfabe and into real-life backstage drama, here is our definitive run-down of the 10 best, funniest, and most memorable times that WWE superstars parodied other wrestlers.