10 Hottest Summer Storylines In WWE History

As the temperatures begin to rise and the days get longer and longer, let's heat things up...

By Justin Seagull /

Summer is always one of the best times creatively for WWE, trailing only Wrestlemania season. Fans know that summer is around the corner when the creative team breaks out of their post-Wrestlemania lull and starts building towards Summerslam. Some of the most memorable moments in WWE history have happened in the months of June, July, and August. So as the temperatures begin to rise and the days get longer and longer, let€™s take a look at the top 10 hottest summer storylines in WWE history.

10. Vince McMahon€™s Demise (2007 - 2012)

The more things change in WWE, the more they stay the same. Like clockwork, around June of every year, Vince McMahon finds a way to get thrown off the show permanently, only to return like nothing happened. This phenomenon started in June 2007, where a crazy McMahon stepped into a limousine, which promptly blew up. A huge storyline was going to follow where Vince ended up faking his own death, but WWE put the kibosh on that after the very real deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife and his son. But Vince is not a quitter, and seemed determined to off himself once again. In June 2008, to give a mercy killing to the ill-conceived McMahon€™s Million Dollar Mania, McMahon punctuated the end by having the stage collapse on him. Much like the limo explosion the year prior, this storyline was never examined, nor did we ever find out the reason why the stage collapsed. In June 2009, Vince essentially offed himself by agreeing to sell Monday Night Raw to Donald Trump. Even though Vince bought Raw back from Trump (for double the price) the next week, the fans got a kick out of the fact that he had lost a lot of power on the show. For the trivia buffs out there, it was Trump who came up with the idea of Celebrity General Managers, which essentially hijacked the show for the next few months before WWE came up with the better idea of making them guest stars rather than hosts. In June 2010, Vince was once again €œkilled€ as a result of an attack by the Nexus which left him in a coma. He would eventually wake up and proceed to bury Daniel Bryan, but it was only a dream by Stephanie McMahon. In a change of pace in 2011, Vince waited until July before getting kicked off the show. It was the night after Money in the Bank when CM Punk won the WWE Title and walked out of the company. Vince was about to fire John Cena for losing the match, but Triple H showed up and told Vince that he relieved of his day-to-day operating duties. It would have probably been more fun if Triple H had outright fired Vince McMahon, but you just know that Vince would be back sooner than later. Finally, in June 2012, Vince was about to fire John Lauranaitis, but he ate a knockout punch from Big Show. Surprisingly, this only kept him out a week, as he appeared at the No Way Out Pay Per View to finally fire Big Johnny after Show lost a steel cage match to John Cena. Surprisingly, Vince€™s run of getting either literally or figuratively killed off came to an end in 2013, when he only appeared to run down Daniel Bryan (again) and appoint Brad Maddox as the Raw GM out of spite for the audience.