Kurt Angle


12 Wrestlers Who DESTROYED Their Bodies For The Business

The impact wrestling had on countless WWE legends is pretty damn depressing.
By Jamie Kennedy

10 Wrestling Ripoffs Better Than The Original

These WWE ripoffs were 100% better than what came before. Inspiration? Nah, IMPROVEMENT.
By Jamie Kennedy

12 Wrestlers Who Competed Under The Influence

Doing jobs to their demons when they shouldn't have been doing their jobs at all...
By Michael Hamflett

10 Insane WrestleMania Main Events That Nearly Happened

Deep in the multiverse, somebody squashed a butterfly and these matches headlined WrestleMania.
By Christopher Sharman

10 Forgotten WWE Stables You Totally Don't Remember

CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and John Cena were in WWE factions you've surely forgotten!
By Jamie Kennedy

10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

Danger danger! These wrestlers had an aura few others in WWE could match.
By Jamie Kennedy

10 Times WWE's Fake World Got Dangerously Real

WWE called itself sports entertainment. At times, it was more dangerous than wrestling ever…
By Michael Sidgwick

20 Incredible WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Moments Nobody Ever Talks About

We need to talk about Snoop Dogg's first WrestleMania appearance.
By Gareth Morgan

10 Wrestlers That NOBODY Hated

They say you can't make it without making some critics along the way. They are wrong.
By Michael Sidgwick

10 Wrestling Matches With Backstories You’ll NEVER Believe

Drug overdoses, cruel WWE ribs gone wrong, suspected heart attacks and more.
By Jamie Kennedy