10 Lessons WWE Could Learn From Their Own History

Vince McMahon built WWE, and yet he's forgotten some of his own tricks.

By Stuart Iversen /

Love him or hate him, Vince McMahon is responsible for a lot of what's great about wrestling today. His deranged mind barreled its way into the business and changed the game. What was once his daddy's wrestling company is now a global brand, and he can be proud of that.


And while Vince is obviously a shrewd businessman, a huge reason for that was his talent as a wrestling booker. He created a product that a casual audience wanted to watch and despite the internet's complaining, they still do to this day. Characters like Stone Cold, The Rock, and Hulk Hogan were all at least partly created by Vince Jr. It's one hell of a history to draw on.

So you have to wonder why he doesn't.

In 2017 you can tune into WWE TV and pick out twenty mistakes in every show, and we are not just talking about the obvious ones either. We all love wrestling, but it could be so much better, and one way that it could be better is if it remembered what it used to be.

This isn't a Rip Roger style 'things were better in those days' rant because in many ways they weren't, but over the years Vince has forgotten the tricks that brought him to the table - the tricks which made him stand out from the crowd. WWE have a history that no one can compete with and maybe it's time they learnt from it.

10. Tag Team Wrestling Sells

The return of The Hardyz has given WWE’s tag team division a much-needed boost.


Their history in the company hasn't been forgotten, and their recent work outside of WWE saw them come in as stars. But with the cracks already beginning to appear in Matt's character, it feels likely that that star power will be taking them away from tag team wrestling. We can only hope that The Hardyz' brief returns to those roles will have reminded WWE of what they did in the past.

Back when The Hardyz, Edge and Christian, and The Dudleys were doing their thing every week, tag-team wrestling was more than just a bonus feature of WWE TV. Their epic rivalry was a reason to tune in all by itself. In fact, some fans were more excited about tag wrestling than they were the World Title.

This is something WWE seems to have forgotten. The biggest problem with bringing back The Hardyz is it highlights the lack of stars in the division at the moment. The New Day are over but no one buys tickets for them, and while people like other teams, they don’t love them. You can't blame the tag-teams either; they aren't being given a chance to steal the show.

WWE has some brilliant teams, and while they might not be able to headline WrestleMania, they could easily do Raw, SmackDown, and a few B-tier PPVs. History shows us that tag-team wrestling can shine, so let it shine.
