10 Lessons WWE Could Learn From Their Own History

9. Managers Hide Weaknesses

vince mcmahon

Take Paul Heyman away from Brock Lesnar and what do you have? He’s still a terrifying beast, but he’s a much less eloquent one. Without his advocate, the man who killed the streak is turned into a tongue-tied mess.

Lesnar is not alone in this either. Countless wrestlers throughout history could get it done in the ring but when it came to cutting a promo fell to pieces. Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan played a key role in half the rosters' careers back in the eighties, and his work both with and against Andre the Giant is legendary. Managers were an important part of WWE, and they made stars.

And yet in 2017, WWE’s main roster only has Paul Heyman, Lana, and Maryse - and Lana seems to be moving towards becoming a wrestler. If we include NXT, we also have Paul Ellering. You could maybe throw James Ellsworth in there too. That’s five managers, not an awful number, but each of them has only one client/team.

It’s not that they lack stars who need a helping hand either. Lesnar is not alone in getting flustered when he’s handed a live mic. Someone like Eric Rowan could benefit immeasurably from having a reassuring figure stood beside them to sing their praises. It not only adds to the wrestler’s mystique but it gives them a character wrinkle that helps them stand out.

Teaming a wrestler up with a manager doesn’t always work - just ask Curtis Axel - but it can make a career.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83