10 Lessons WWE's Main Roster Is Slowly Learning From NXT's Success

Are you watching Vince?

By Marcus K. Dowling /

There's really good reason to believe that WWE is currently in a situation where they're using NXT as a space to be a litmus test for progressive/different ideas regarding booking talent and presenting its wrestling product. From the Divas Revolution to "good wrestling for good wrestling's sake" and more, NXT's killing it because they're only paving the way for WWE to eventually see the wisdom in ideas launched in NXT, ideas they can use to kill it harder in the future. While ratings may be declining and Vince McMahon may have the book again on the main roster, in NXT, Triple H has to be feeling incredibly relaxed and pretty damned good about himself. In being able to do some left-leaning things and expand against the grain, he likely realizes that if WWE's on-screen presentation on Raw and Smackdown is going to improve, it's from an idea successfully executed first at Full Sail University is from where that's going to come. There's definitely ten ideas that WWE's been slow on the trigger in adopting that have directly led to NXT's success. These are ideas that should be valued as ones that the main roster would benefit significantly from implementing immediately...
