10 Lucha Underground Stars Who Could Shake Up WWE

From The Temple to Raw, who would fit in best?

By Andrew Soucek /

El Rey Network

The wrestling world isn’t as big as it used to be, but there’s actually more options available than ever before to watch.


There’s the broad, family-friendly style of the WWE, or Ring of Honor, where the the in-ring action is the highest focus of the promotion, and TNA doing...whatever it is they’re doing. While there are dozens of other promotions of various sizes around the world, one of the most interesting, and compelling ones is currently Lucha Underground.

The show is dark, with a lot of violence, adult themes, unique backstage segments, and crazy in-ring action. There are also a lot of supremely talented wrestlers on the roster. Most of these men and women, though, have been overlooked by WWE for one reason or another in the past.


However, with the brand split coming up, they may have to expand their horizons on who they’ll give opportunities to.

Now, from a personal standpoint, I don’t really want to see ANY of these wrestlers leave. From an artistic standpoint, they will likely be much, much better off staying in LU. But from a money and fame point of view, there’s still absolutely nowhere else like WWE. It is the place to work in wrestling.


Many people on the current Lucha Underground roster would deliver some excitement to the main roster if they were available. Their contracts tend to run for a few years, but if everyone was free for the taking, these are the top wrestlers Vince McMahon should pick up.

With the recent news that Prince Puma may have parted ways with the company, he’s left off the list for now. Otherwise, he’d have received a very high ranking.


Now, let’s take a look at the top 10 wrestlers from The Temple who could shake up WWE...