10 Matches That Will Make Your Partner Love WWE

They'll be hooked for life after watching this playlist.

By Matt Marsden /

Congratulations, you've done it; you've convinced your sweetheart to give WWE a try in hopes of making them a fan for life. If they haven't already seen wrestling in some form beforehand, chances are it was a Herculean effort just to get this far and you could probably find a job as a military negotiator. Well done to you. But don't celebrate too early; the battle is only half-won. While conning your lover into sitting down and watching some WWE is very impressive, it will be a wasted effort if you don€™t choose the correct viewing material. Pick incorrectly and you€™ll return to being forced to suffer through terrible shows on Netflix every Monday night. The trick is to immediately find something that will capture your dearly beloved€™s imagination €“ give them something they can become emotionally invested in. You€™d be surprised how many people thoroughly enjoy professional wrestling when they are exposed to the enjoyable aspects, and treating your sweetheart to some incredible WWE matches could very well result in you having a new viewing partner. After all, sharing interests with the one closest to your heart is what makes relationships so great. That and you won't have to fight over the remote when WWE programming is on. While the matches on this list are sure to make an instant fan out of anybody curious enough to give WWE a try, make sure you don€™t just stick to the mentioned contests €“ these are just to get the ball rolling. If bae starts asking questions and becomes interested in a certain wrestler or story, for the love of god, keep showing them more of what they want. As an additional pro tip, no matter what you do, do not choose the upcoming episode of Raw for bae€™s first WWE viewing. Explaining who everyone is while also trying to explain the stories is going to be so overwhelming they will lose interest; that and the show will more than likely suck. These are 10 matches that are guaranteed to make your dearly beloved fall in love with WWE.
