10 Matches That Will Make Your Partner Love WWE

10. Daniel Bryan vs Batista vs Randy Orton (WrestleMania 30, 2014)

This is sort of a two-for-one, but when showing your loved one some WWE matches, Daniel Bryan's famous YestleMania has to make the cut. Why? Because everyone loves Daniel Bryan. Small children and grown-ass men alike love Daniel Bryan. If Jesus returns to send the world a message, he will most likely be wearing a 'Yes!' t-shirt. The recently-retired lovable goat-man had the deck completely stacked against him at WrestleMania 30, having to beat Triple H just to earn a spot in the night's main event match between Batista and Randy Orton. As The Game lays a savage beating on Bryan after the Yes! Movement leader secured victory, chances are bae will already be wanting Bryan to overcome the odds before the main event match even begins. Just don't show what happened to Bryan in the years that followed the victory. The heart can only take so much.

Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden