10 More Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

Superman punches, stunners, and other epic wrestling finishers absolutely perfected on their owners!

By Gareth Morgan /

Though imitation is often classed as the sincerest form of flattery, in the world of wrasslin', it's often also a rather effective way of brassing off your adversary.


But getting nailed with your own tried and tested slam to hell or body crunching submission is one (rather embarrassing) thing.

Having said trademark finisher executed on yourself in a manner that makes your own version of said manoeuvre look positively average in comparison is something else entirely. And probably leaves many somewhat shellshocked performers giving themselves a long, hard look in the ol' mirror.

It didn't matter that some of these folks had never even attempted to pull off the following moves in the middle of the squared-circle before (or outside of it in some cases), each of these stars took to the finisher in question like a duck to violent water. And they could likely offer their chosen rival a bit of honest advice on how to actually get the best out of their treasured match-ender, in all honesty.

Evolution is no mystery, folks. And this bunch of talented stars all took various iconic finishers and impressively fine-tuned them under some of the brightest lights; unfortunately for their owner...

10. Drew McIntyre Makes Kurt's Ankle Hurt (Ankle Huuuurt)

Though the Olympic Hero wasn't actually the first person to unleash the most savage ankle submission WWE has even been exposed to - that honour belongs to the mighty Ken Shamrock - Kurt Angle is still arguably the name most synonymous with the Ankle Lock.


So, in what definitely felt like something of a passing of the torch moment back in late 2018, Angle instructed McIntyre to trap the Wrestling Machine in his own trademark submission on the back of Vince McMahon asking the WWE Hall of Famer to "make" his opponent in whatever way he could.

What Angle likely wasn't counting on in the midst of such a dominant display, however, was for a then-heel Drew to cinch in the move in a way that left folks genuinely wondering why he hadn't adopted the submission long before this brutal display.

After already hitting a pretty effective Angle Slam on its owner, a towering McIntyre yanked Kurt's ankle up to the heavens on Raw, making the hold look ten-times more savage in the process. The Scott then proceeded to wrap his gigantic thighs around Angle's helpless leg before viciously wrenching on the limb as the former world champion had no choice but to desperately tap.
