10 Most Bizarre Short-Term Returns In WWE History

Grandmaster Sexay, British Bulldog, Virgil, and many more!

By Jack G King /

A recent episode of SmackDown saw the surprise return of none other than Bob Backlund. The two-time WWF Champion appeared in a vignette alongside Darren Young and seems to be moving into a managerial/coach role of sorts.


'Surprise' doesn't really sum up just how shocking it was so see Backlund on WWE programming. His appearance was completely, totally out of the blue as there was no hint of a prior announcement or any storyline clues.

However, this is hardly the first time WWE have brought an old face back into the fray out of nowhere. As flimsy and haphazard as such moments can often be, they're usually very entertaining too - even if just for the chance to see a popular veteran resurface from obscurity. 

Here are ten such surprising incidents, each with their own varying degree of success. 

Strap in and get ready for an inconsistent ride...

10. Tatanka At WrestleMania 32

Let's kick things off with a very recent surprise recent. This year's WrestleMania saw an old favourite crop up in the 'Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal' - and he was introduced to precisely zero fanfare!


Tatanka, who enjoyed his glory days in the early 90s (and returned for a less successful two-year run in 2005) suddenly found himself in the ring with the cream of today's undercard - including eventual winner Baron Corbin. And Shaquille O'Neal, of course.

Although he stuck in there for most of the match, his elimination was paid almost no attention.

The fact that Tatanka wasn't even given an individual entrance - unlike fellow returnee Diamond Dallas Page - left much of the live crowd confused as to his identity, as he strode down to the ring in the middle of a throng of current superstars, looking like a relic from a bygone era.
