10 Most Important Divas In The Monday Night Wars

Who were the women who left their mark on the Monday Night Wars?

By Lee Price /

The Monday Night Wars was a great era to be a wrestling fan. Between the likes of the NWO, Sting and Goldberg tearing it up in WCW and Steve Austin; The Rock and Degeneration X setting new standards in wrestling entertainment over in WWE; there was always something happening on a Monday night that was worth the attention of wrestling fans. The era also shone for giving female performers a real platform for perhaps the first time in wrestling€™s history, elevating them from bit-part players to the point where the best women took centre stage on the company€™s shows. The period saw the birth of what would come to be known as the €˜Diva€™ and set the stage for the many performers who would come after. Often combining raw sexuality with in-ring talent, the women in this list all made their mark on the Monday Night Wars in one way or another and many played a huge part in the eventual result. They were often pivotal stars of the most important storylines and in the quest for ratings these were the performers that often equalled and occasionally even surpassed the men that the shows were traditionally built around.