10 Most Innovative High Flying Wrestlers

They changed everything by risking it all.

By Matthew Byrd /

The crowd holds their breath in anticipation as the wrestler makes his way to the top of the ropes. Some are still cheering, but most are wondering just what they plan to do to the helpless opponent below and whether they are going to make it through the effort in one piece. With thousands of fans watching as intently as they've ever watched anything, the performer takes flight. High flyers have been an attraction in pro wrestling for years. Fans have always had a desire to watch a daredevil performer risk it all in the name of entertainment, and equally there has always been a new crop of young wrestlers more than willing to put it all on the line for a chance to make a name for themselves. While a legion of willing high flyers have passed through the wrestling industry, not all were created equally. Out of every hundred young kids who think that a flip from the top will be their ticket to stardom, only a handful will make it. Of that handful, there are a select few that not only defy gravity in the ring but forever alter our expectations of what a wrestler is capable of. These are the most notable of those select few.