10 Most Innovative High Flying Wrestlers

10. Rob Van Dam

Mr. Monday Night, The Whole F'ing Show, RVD 4:20...Rob Van Dam had no shortage of nicknames over his career and most of them were created in an attempt to give words to what the man could do in the ring. The impossibly athletic Rob Van Dam was famous for incorporating elements of his actual martial arts experience into his move set. Combined with his Jean-Claude Van Damme looks - which is indeed where he got the name - RVD matches had a tendency to resemble the fight scenes of a particularly ambitious kung fu film. Yet what really set RVD apart back in the day was his unorthodox personality and accompanying style. From his infamous chair-assisted Van Daminator to the coast-to-coast Van Terminator, Rob had a knack for coming up with new ways to punish his opponents and astound fans. In his prime as the ECW Television Champion, Rob Van Dam was worth the price of admission alone just to see what he would do next.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.