10 Most Misused WWE Superstars Right Now

Cody Rhodes deserves better. 'Nuff said.

By Erik Beaston /

The 50-year history of World Wrestling Entertainment is littered with Superstars and Divas who have been failed by a system specifically put in place to make them sports-entertainment stars. Some were plagued by their own inability to perform up to the level of a main roster talent. Others were victims of the political minefield that is the behind the scenes atmosphere of the professional wrestling industry. Then were those who, for whatever reason, simply could not convince management to give them an adequate push, regardless of how hard they worked or how over they eventually became. That is not to mention those whose personal demons ultimately dictated the level of success they would, or would not, achieve. Both the Rock N' Wrestling and Attitude Eras featured numerous guys and gals who failed to live up to expectations for a number of reasons. Superstars such as "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith and Jake "the Snake" Roberts had substance abuse issues that kept them from being all that they could be. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and Christian could never really convince management that they were the guy, despite the latter's two reigns as World Heavyweight champion. And then there's Booker T, who found himself caught up in the backstage back-stabbings that occur more often than not in the industry, and whose push suffered tenfold because of it. Today's wrestling landscape is incredibly expansive, with platforms such as the WWE Network and eight hours of programming to fill. Still, despite the increase in platforms for talent to ply their craft, there are still Superstars being grossly misused. Add to that the fact that Vince McMahon's company has a wealth of very talented women at its disposal and the potential for two-times the amount of under-utilized stars presents itself. From a Swiss Superman to a third-generation Hart family member, there are some amazing talented individuals whose abilities are wasted on mediocre pushes or treadmill booking. Who are the ten most misused stars in today's WWE? Click the little "next" button and find out for yourself.