When Kurt Angle debuted on WWF TV in late 1999, he was portrayed as a clean-cut, American hero. He claimed that he was a role model and boasted about his three I's: intensity, integrity and intelligence. In 1986, he probably would have been the biggest babyface on earth. Yes, Angle may have been a great athlete and a legitimate Olympic gold medal winner, but to Attitude Era fans he was one of the biggest heels going. They wanted to see Steve Austin flipping off his boss or The Rock spouting catchphrases, not some goody two-shoes imploring them to work hard and chase their dreams. Some speculated that backstage Angle, tough guy that he was, was actually very close to his character in real life. However, that myth was quickly exposed as a sham. As good as Angle was (and is) in the ring, his career has been dogged by injuries, lies and scandal. He may have played a heroic character on television, but in reality things were not all as they seemed. Angle has been accused of having affairs, of drug abuse and has been involved in backstage fights throughout his career. It's time to sort through the evidence and determine what is true and what isn't with regards to the Olympic champion's urban legends.