10 Most Notorious Ric Flair Urban Legends

We advise you to not take marriage or financial advice from him.

By John Canton /

Ric Flair is the man that many fans and wrestlers alike feel is the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Due to number of championships he won, nearly 40 years he spent wrestling and ability to have great matches mixed in with memorable promos, he is worthy of such consideration. Flair is 65 years old now and he's not wrestling anymore thankfully, but he's still being as active as he can. When WWE calls on him to appear on television he's usually there. When not working for WWE, he's off doing appearances whether it's taking photos, signing autographs or speaking somewhere. It's not like he's going to get some other job. He's a wrestler that can't wrestle anymore, but his name value will never leave. It has been an interesting journey in wrestling for Flair both on a professional and personal level. In addition to all those titles he won, he also was married four times and divorced four times. He has four kids, he's a grandfather and sadly his youngest son Reid passed away in 2013. His daughter Charlotte is a shining star in WWE NXT, who is wrestling for her brother's memory with Ric right there at her side. Like with any wrestler that has been around the business for a very long time, there are all kinds of stories about Flair. Some of them are told by him while others are from people that are friends and even people that may not like him. It's time to look at his career at a closer level by sharing some of the stories that have been told about Flair, why people tend to believe them and why we should believe them. Here's a look at the life and legacy of the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.