10 Most Notorious Vince McMahon Urban Legends

Do not sneeze near Vince McMahon, but he could help you dance like a stripper!

By John Canton /

Vince McMahon is one of the most interesting figures in the history of wrestling. In fact, it can be argued that nobody is more interesting than him mainly because we really don't know much about him. Even though he's been the driving force behind WWE for 30 years and is in charge of the on screen product we've watched for all these years, we really don't know a lot. What's he like with his family? What TV shows does he watch? Does he complain about the government? Does he watch any sports? We don't know a lot. We're probably not going to know a lot either because he's a man that keeps his personal life private and that's his right to do that. What we€™re here to look at today are some stories over the years and whether they are true or not. These are stories that have been told by others, by people close to Hogan, by people that don€™t like Vince and even things that Vince might have addressed himself at some point in his life. In digging up some of these interesting stories, there were some funny ones. For example in Chris Jericho's book Undisputed he wrote about how he and Triple H went to Vince for some ideas for their Hell In A Cell match in 2002 and how they could get to the top of the cage. Apparently Vince told them to shoot webbing out of their wrists to swing up there because apparently Vince had just watched Spider-Man. He's a unique man, that's for sure. In each case there will be a breakdown of the story with some background on it, then a mention why people believe it and then addressing if we should believe if it's true or not. Here€™s a look at ten urban legends about the life and career of WWE's Chairman Vincent Kennedy McMahon.