10 Most Notorious Vince McMahon Urban Legends

10. He Wants To Buy Newcastle United

Vince Mcmahon NewcastleStory: This is a rumor that first started in 2011/12, then it popped up again earlier this year as well. Back in February 2014, WinnerSports.co.uk reported in an exclusive that: "Vince McMahon has been sniffing around the club and seems keen on pursuing his interest." For American wrestling fans it wasn't a big deal. The story was barely mentioned. However, for fans of wrestling and football (or soccer) in England, it was a huge deal. It was picked up by several major news outlets within the next few days and people were talking about it as if it was really going to happen. Why People Believe It: He's rich. Any time a rich person is rumored to buy something people are going to believe it because they have the money available to do it. Should We Believe It: No. WWE and McMahon himself have never mentioned wanting to buy Newcastle United or any kind of sports team. Sure they had XFL, which was an entire American football league, but that's about the only time they really got into organized team sports in that way.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.