10 NXT Superstars Who Will Dominate WWE 2015

Many people see NXT as WWE's best programming at the moment, but which superstars will break onto the main roster in 2015?

By Ross Tweddell /

WWE's developmental territory NXT has come on leaps and bounds over the last year with an increasing number of its stars making waves on the main roster. The likes of Rusev, The Wyatts, Paige and Bo Dallas all started with the Florida based promotion alongside Messrs Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins which shows how integral NXT has become to WWE. The NXT superstars are given a platform to develop a niche following before taking it to next level on Raw and Smackdown. Such is the state of the current programming, many see NXT as WWE's most compelling brand which is as much a complement to the up and comers as it is a detriment to the main roster. The nature of the beast means WWE needs to be exceptional at forward planning. They need to know how the storylines of today will end and where the storylines of tomorrow will then start. Part of that process is developing new and engaging characters to keep the WWE Universe happy. NXT gives them the platform to make the huge judgement call to whether a gimmick will succeed or fail. WWE is in the midst of a transitional period in its history. All of the old guard have now moved on, the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton still have plenty to offer but there is plentiful room for new talent to make a name for themselves.