10 NXT/WWE Trades That Should Be Made

NXT talents want to go to WWE... WWE talents want to go to NXT. Let's make it happen!

By Justin Seagull /

A couple weeks ago, WhatCulture posted a news article about the disconnect between the NXT roster and the WWE roster. It seems that both rosters lament what the other roster has that they don€™t have. NXT wrestlers who believe they€™re ready for the big time want to get called up so they can make more money and perform in front of more fans. WWE wrestlers, especially including Divas, are jealous of the amount of in-ring time that the NXT roster gets, and the fact they€™re allowed to actually wrestle. There was a lot of talk back in December that the NXT: Takeover special that aired the Thursday before the TLC Pay Per View was a much better show, and there€™s good reason for that. So why don€™t we give both rosters what they want? There are certainly some NXT wrestlers, male and female, who are ready for the main roster. There are also some WWE wrestlers that could use a trip down to NXT, either to help the up-and-coming wrestlers or to give themselves a reboot for their career. We€™ve already seen people like Tyson Kidd, Curtis Axel, and Emma take a trip back down south. Here is a list of 10 more singles, tag teams, and divas who should be swapped from NXT and WWE -- 10 trades that any fan who watches both rosters would make in a heartbeat.