10 NXT/WWE Trades That Should Be Made

10. The Vaudevillains For Los Matadores

Vaudevilliansmatadores Don€™t get it twisted. Primo and Epico are an awesome tag team that comes from the respected Colon bloodline in Puerto Rico. They have locked down their role in the lower card on Superstars and Main Event. However, they could serve a better purpose down in NXT working with new tag teams like Blake and Murphy, who are the champions but still have light years to go before they get called up. As far as gimmicky tag teams go, The Vaudevillians€™ act could get over on a bigger stage. The old-timey heel act worked well for Damien Sandow before he was saddled with the copycat gimmick. Aiden English and Simon Gotch bring something different to the table, and it would be more exciting to see a silent-movie era tag team than a team who has a little person dressed like a bull.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.