10 On-Screen WWE Couples That Had No Chemistry

Many WWE couples have been missing that most vital ingredient.

By John Bills /

For whatever reason, most likely due to the whole 'fictional soap-opera' thing, World Wrestling Entertainment just loves putting two individuals together in an on-screen relationship. It is understandable: if you're going to attempt to give the impression of a 'Universe' then what is a universe without love?


Wrestling and romance go back a long way, with many memorable couples stealing our hearts over the years. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth stand out, as do Eddie Guerrero and Chyna, Edge and Vickie Guerrero, and Billy Gunn and Torrie Wilson.

Wait, what? Billy Gunn and Torrie Wilson? Yeah, sometimes WWE has a hair-brained scheme to put two people together only for them to flounder completely on-screen. Hard work can certainly go a long way to improving in-ring ability or even promo work, but chemistry between two human beings is something that simply can't be taught.

WWE has failed to learn this over the years, and as a result the history of WWE romance is littered with couples that lacked that most vital of romantic ingredients. Here are 10 WWE on-screen couples that had a grand total of zero chemistry.

10. Balls Mahoney & Kelly Kelly

She was a 20-year old former bikini model, head-hunted by the head of talent relations in the company to be the breakout star of a three-woman faction whose entire job description was 'be extremely attractive and remove clothes'. He was a 35-year old grizzled veteran who had first made an appearance in the company when she was just eight years old.


The on-screen flirtations of Kelly Kelly and Balls Mahoney made little sense to anyone, not then, not now. It was creative's attempt to provide a storyline reason for Kelly Kelly to break away from her compadres in Extreme Expose, but her and Balls had little in the way of on-screen chemistry.

World Wrestling Entertainment has as much a history of being obsessed with aesthetic perfection as it does with so-called 'odd couples'. This was one such oddity that just didn't work.
