10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

Will these pro wrestling debates ever die? Probably not. Do they need to? YES!

By Jamie Kennedy /

Several pro wrestling-related debates will rage on until the end of time.


Would WWE Raw be infinitely better if it returned to a two-hour format like it had in the good old days? What should WCW's legacy be in the history books? Is Kevin Owens right, or does Elias actually have a younger brother called Ezekiel? Y'know - the really important issues in wrasslin'.

Seriously though, some of the topics that get batted back and forth are rather discouraging. It's 2022, and yet many out there still believe that every single worker on the planet has to strut around looking like The Ultimate Warrior circa 1988. Then, there are those who think it's impossible to (collective gasp, people) like two different wrestling companies at the same time.

Others believe that gravy bowl, jelly and pillow fight matches need a big comeback if women are ever going to sustainably become part of WWE's future. Yes, yes that is an actual tweet which this writer has read in the past.

All of these wrestling debates need to die a swift death, because they've already outstayed their welcomes...

10. Wrestling Used To “Feel More Real”

Everyone has heard the same old, same old: "Yeah, I used to like wrestling, but it was more believable when I was younger". Funny - could it be that...you were an impressionable child who wasn't so cynical and just enjoyed things as intended without hyper-analysing them?


Sure, this fan is guilty of that too, but to suggest that the biz was "more real" back in the day is laughable. Grappling exchanges between Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior were hardly watertight, and The Undertaker was plonked in a casket before ascending to the heavens (or whatever) at the 1994 Royal Rumble.

Hardly realistic.

Wouldn't everybody be far cheerier if they just accepted wrestling for its silliness, and got lost in the moment without pretending that it should be compared to real sports? The industry has had moments of realness, of course, but 99.9% of it has always been an absurd mix of pantomime, drama and bizarre characters.
