10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

If you haven't thought about this stuff, you're not really sinking into the WWE Universe.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

When you've spent more years of your life being a wrestling fan than not, you tend to amass a lot of knowledge. Also, you find yourself asking a million questions that you're pretty positive no one has ever thought to ask before, whether it's because they don't care about the sport as much as you do or because you're just a little more insane than the average human being. So your mind wanders. "When wrestlers wear a belt as part of their in-ring wardrobe, does it have to be made of special material? It can't just be metal, right?" Or "How come a diving headbutt doesn't hurt both people?" It's only natural to get a little inquisitive about something after you've watched it for multiple decades. In fact, I'd dare say that if you haven't had at least a few of the following questions flitter across your brain at some point or another, you're not a true wrestling fan. There. I said it. If you disagree, let me know in the comments, jabroni.

10. Is The Spanish Announce Team Trained In Diving Out Of The Way Of Incoming Punk Asses?

Just in playing the odds, you'd assume that the poor bastards stuck at the Spanish announce table are never fully seated during a WWE broadcast. Because it's only a matter of time before someone goes flying through that shoddily crafted table. That's just basic math. And with that kind of frequency, it would be stupid for them not to be prepared for the eventuality. But how do you prepare for it? What kind of signs do they teach you to watch out for? (I bet it involves the codeword "dangler" when referring to guys who are ready to fall off a cage.) Do they practice dive rolls, as well? Or do they just sort of let them figure it out on the fly? Because that means they probably rotate through Spanish announcers like crazy. So many questions about a stupid little table...