10 Reasons Why Adrian Neville Vs Sami Zayn Is WWE's Story Of The Year

The two aces are set to steal the show at R Evolution. You'd be a fool to miss it.

By Lewis Howse /

WWE has done a great job of promoting NXT this year. No longer the best kept secret in wrestling, NXT is now one of the shows to watch thanks to the WWE hype machine. But WWE has been smart enough to make sure that NXT remains its own brand and retains its own identity. WWE wants NXT to be its own thing and Triple H has worked hard to make sure that NXT (a project of his) succeeds. NXT is where you can see tomorrow's WWE superstars today. Some of the most popular members of the WWE roster have come from NXT. Look no further than Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns for examples of talent who came from NXT. Two of NXT's top current stars are NXT champion Adrian Neville and the eminently likeable Sami Zayn. Triple H recently compared Zayn to Ricky Steamboat and said that Neville will be a future World champion. High praise indeed. The two are currently embroiled in a feud over the NXT Championship and are set to clash on the R Evolution NXT special. The story leading up to the match has been one of the best in WWE all year. Could the story be set to continue in the new year on either Raw or Smackdown? Whatever happens after R Evolution, the fact that two undersized wrestlers with styles that aren't typical of WWE have been given the time and resources to have a meaningful, top-level feud is certainly encouraging.