10 Reasons Why Adrian Neville Vs Sami Zayn Is WWE's Story Of The Year

10. The Promos Have Been Top Class

One of the best things about the Zayn / Neville feud is that it afforded both wrestlers time on the microphone. When the pressure has been on and they have had to sell the match and the story, both men have delivered. The biggest criticism of Neville is that he 'doesn't know how to do a promo'. A lot of the online reaction to his previous promo attempts has generally been confusion at his thick Geordie accent and supposed lack of confidence when speaking. Neville undoubtedly shines in the ring but some of the criticism of his promo work has been justified. A lot of this is down to the fact that Neville spent the majority of his pre-WWE career wrestling for the Dragon Gate promotion in Japan where he was rarely, if ever, asked to do a promo. Even then, it's not like it would have meant a great deal to the Japanese crowd if he did do one. Adrian has shown a marked improvement in his promo work throughout his feud with Zayn and looks more comfortable on the mic than ever before. Zayn, meanwhile, has been nothing short of a revelation on the stick. He comes across as genuine, eminently believable and sympathetic when talking about his struggles to get to NXT and his desire to win the championship.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...