10 Reasons John Cena Will Be Missed At WrestleMania

WrestleMania is around the corner and John Cena's name not being on the card is a big problem.

By Stuart Iversen /

John Cena has shown a superhuman ability to shrug off injuries in the past. Yet, with WrestleMania 32 breathing just a few shorts weeks away, WWE have had to accept that his latest shoulder injury is one that cannot be recovered from any time soon. The long-running face of WWE will not perform at WrestleMania for the first time since 2003. And yet, most people will be nothing but happy about this. They are fed up of John Cena and view a WrestleMania without him as a blessing because it gives them a break from Super Cena and his defeat of the latest talent to be lined up in front of his bulging biceps. A lack of Cena is to be seen as a celebration, not a time for regret. Sadly, however, these Cena-haters are wrong. Not to tell people how to think, but it is true. John Cena is one of WWE's most talented wrestlers and no matter what you think about him, his absence from WrestleMania is a bad thing. In fact, as WWE gear up to try and make this the biggest one yet, with close to 100,000 seats to fill. they are going to be filled only with regret at the thought of the man that will be sitting and watching the show from the sidelines...