10 Reasons John Cena Will Be Missed At WrestleMania

10. He Was 2015's MVP

John Cena had a brilliant 2015. In fact, you could argue he was the top wrestler in the company. From his US Title win at WrestleMania right up until he went on vacation near the end of the year, he was must-watch TV. He had great feuds with Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins, both of which did a lot to elevate those stars, while the US Title Open Challenge was regularly the best segment on the show, as challenger after challenger stepped up to take on the champ. New life was breathed into an old character and it seemed like the good times were rolling. Which could have continued right into WrestleMania. Sure, the fans were still going to boo him, but if Cena had not been injured he may well have walked into the Super Bowl of professional wrestling on one of his hottest runs in years. Missing out on the chance to watch him at the top of his game on the biggest stage of them all is something we should all be sad about.

A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83