10 Reasons Vince McMahon Needs To Retire By Year’s End

Vince has done more harm than good in the last few years...

By Alexander Podgorski /

Vince McMahon has been running the WWE since 1983. Since then, he has made a lot of ground-breaking decisions that have completely re-shaped the professional wrestling industry in the United States. He created WrestleMania, he brought the sport into the mainstream with Hulk Hogan, and through clever (or deceitful, depending on who you ask) business practices, he nationalized his product, ending the Territory Era for good. However, even someone with such a sharp mind as Vince makes mistakes from time to time. The XFL, the Invasion storyline, and WWE going public (which also has its positives and negatives), have all been met with negative reception. But it has been in the last two years that the problems with Vince McMahon have really started to show. There are rumors of him arguing with Triple H over the product€™s direction, of the TV scripts being re-written numerous times, and worst of all, of Vince having absolutely no idea what€™s funny and relevant to the WWE audience. All of these things lead to one conclusion: that Vincent Kennedy McMahon needs to retire. Some of you reading this might find the idea of Vince McMahon retiring absurd; after all, it€™s believed that he has no plans on ever retiring, and that he€™ll keep working until the day he dies. However, this article will list ten reasons why he should reconsider that plan, and seriously contemplate shifting ownership of his company over to his daughter Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. After all, just because his father, Vince Sr., died at work doesn€™t mean that Vince Jr. should do the same.