10 Reasons You Need To Start Watching Impact Again

This new era may finally be onto something.

By Andrew Soucek /


"My tag division is full, but I hear that TNA is hiring."


Kurt Angle took a dig at Impact Wrestling on the post-WrestleMania episode of Raw and it was one of the funniest things WWE has done all year. Vince McMahon’s major league promotion having a laugh at their much smaller competitor reinforced the idea that the product is still not worth anyone's time. Impact is so irrelevant their former multiple time World Champion doesn’t even know the name has changed!

...Not to ruin a good joke, but things have actually picked up a bit for Impact lately. After a tumultuous and creatively dead 2017, some new faces and the addition of Don Callis in a creative and upper-management role has made it feel like they may finally have their act together. While it’s too soon to say if the company will pump out stellar content on a regular basis, there’s no doubt the on-air product has improved as of late.


Sure, there are still some embarrassments to be had. Alberto El Patron ruining their pay-per-view main event doesn’t look good, yet there are plenty of reasons to be encouraged. Dixie Carter is out of power. Jeff Jarrett is nowhere to be seen. Most importantly, after their acclaimed Redemption offering there’s a sense of genuine momentum at play.

For the hundreds of thousands of fans out there who gave up on the product altogether, it might just be the time for them to give Impact another look.
