10 Rotten Gimmicks Played By WWE Hall Of Famers

Polka dots and Dusty Rhodes? Yeah, that'll work...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Fans - across a wide spectrum of "casual" and "hardcore" eligibility - have argued about the positives and negatives of the WWE Hall Of Fame system for many years. It's unclear which set of guidelines govern the promotion's own personal memorial wing, but there do seem to be some roadblocks put up for certain talents which, for whatever reasons, don't seem to fit this ever-changing set of rules. One notorious example would be the case of Owen Hart. Fans have bickered back and forth about why the younger brother of Bret hasn't been inducted, but there seems to be an awful lot of red tape WWE don't wish to go near, including lawsuits and tragedy. Others have been entered to much bemusement from the wrestling audience, who simply can't understand why the likes of lifetime mid-carder Koko B. Ware was entered years before first ballot Hall Of Famer 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. Whatever their reasons for being entered, there have been many WWE Hall Of Fame inductees who didn't always seem destined to have the most memorable careers. Playing characters and gimmicks which don't fit in with their status, these Hall Of Famers won't look back too fondly of these portions of their respective careers.