10 Shocking Heel Turns That Rocked WWE

Get out of Punk's spotlight, Dwayne!

By Jamie Kennedy /


Heels are cool, aren't they?


Everyone loves a great heel turn, because they remind us why good babyfaces are there to be cheered. Without a loathsome villain, those holier-than-thou goodies don't stand a chance, and they wouldn't be nearly as effective.

It's that yin and yang balance that keeps wrestling ticking along. The tried and tested formula of 'good vs. bad' may have changed with the evolution of the industry, but there's still something immediately satisfying about seeing someone turn to the dark side and betray either an ally or - best of all - the fans.


There have been some absolutely amazing heel turns in WWE history. No, not all of them panned out in the long run, but they did completely rock the boat and managed to change the landscape of WWE as a whole when they happened.

We can't help loving those dastardly rogues for turning...


10. Owen Hart Steps Out Of Bret's Shadow


"And that's why I kicked your leg outta' your leg" may well be Owen Hart legacy (no pun intended, honest), but dodgy promo aside, his heel turn at the 1994 Royal Rumble felt huge. This was Bret's little brother, someone he had helped raise and even welcomed with open arms into the WWF. Now, Owen was turning his back on family.

Citing his bro as selfish and unwilling to share the spotlight was a stroke of genius from Owen, too. If only that promo had been more eloquent, we could have been looking at a heel headliner for years to come. As it turned out, Owen was destined for a run opposite Bret on top that coming Summer, and the pair routinely tore the house down.


It didn't start with that one boot at the Rumble, because seeds had been sown earlier at Survivor Series. If ever there was a moment for Owen to arrive on the big stage as a solo performer, though, this was it.

Finally, he could kiss teaming with Koko B. Ware and wearing baggy trousers goodbye.
