10 Shocking Heel Turns That Rocked WWE

9. Seth Rollins Disbands The Shield

Rollins Betrays Shield

As good as it was, The Shield had to come to an end at some point. The chosen date was June 2, 2014, when The Authority's hand-picked gem Seth Rollins smashed both Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns with a steel chair, like he was swinging for home runs, and embraced the chance to sit underneath Triple H's learning tree.

What made this one so groundbreaking was that The Shield had previously been watertight. They weren't a flash in the pan, either. Ruling the WWE roost as a collective since November 2012, the trio were thought to be inseparable. Long time fans knew different, because nothing is built to last in wrestling.

That didn't detract from the sweetness of Seth's belligerence in 2014. Disbanding The Shield and taking his place as the 'Architect', Rollins was fittingly building blocks he could rest on as a headliner for good.

In terms of effective heel turns, this one rocked.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.