10 Most Shocking Stone Cold Steve Austin Controversies

Some of the most vexed moments in the Rattlesnake's career.

By Kieran Shiach /

Stone Cold Steve Austin is arguably the most popular wrestler of all time. While many may point to Hulk Hogan, wrestling was never more popular or more socially acceptable in the mainstream than at the height of Stone Cold's popularity. In 1998, WWF is said to have sold 12 million Stone Cold t-shirts, and Austin merchandise accounted for half of all merchandise sales. As popular as Hulkamania was, it can't really argue with those numbers. Stone Cold has proven to be one of the most enduring characters in professional wrestling. Over a decade removed from his last match, fans are still hang on his every word. These days, he gets by as the host of Redneck Island, and his podcast has proven incredibly popular among fans, leading Chris Jericho, Jim Ross, and even Goldberg branch out with their own shows. When it comes to legends, there are few wrestlers fans want one more match from than Stone Cold Steve Austin. In the ring, and out of it, Austin has always proven to be a controversial character. His brash, Don't Trust Anyone attitude is what contributed to his success, but on many occasions its been as much a hindrance to his career as an asset. Here we've put together a list of some of the most shocking controversies of Austin's storied career.