10 Shockingly Short World Title Reigns That Damaged WCW

Towards the end, the World Title was treated like garbage...

By Jamie Kennedy /

For those who have only experienced WWE's revisionist history of events, it'd be easy to imagine that nothing good ever happened in World Championship Wrestling. Aside from the nWo - which even Vince McMahon has admitted was a genius move - the company find an excuse for everything positive WCW did. Making Bill Goldberg a star? WCW got lucky. Revitalising names like Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage? WWE made them stars in the first place. It's important to remember that WCW offered a lot to the pro wrestling industry that was wholly entertaining. For example, there was a time when the promotion presented something that scratched a different kind of itch for fans. Over in the then-WWF, there wasn't the kind of solid in-ring action that the NWA/WCW had in the late-1980's. A lot of that centered around the World Heavyweight Title. The NWA World Heavyweight Title morphed into the WCW World Title in January, 1991, and was first held by Ric Flair. The reign was considered a continuation of Flair's NWA Title run, but the belt was renamed. The title would run up until being discontinued by the WWF in 2001, when it was merged with the WWF Title to create the 'Undisputed Title'. Despite the positivity surrounding WCW during this introduction, they dropped the ball horrendously with their World Title. Those mistakes would gather pace as the company limped towards extinction, and that's what is focused on during this article. Displayed here are 10 of the most criminally short WCW World Title reigns, and why they helped accelerate WCW's doom.
