10 Signs You Watch Too Much WWE

Maybe limit yourself to four hours a week, max.

By David Cambridge /


We all have a friend who takes their fandom a little too seriously.


Maybe they own a collection of props actually handled by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, or perhaps they once uploaded a video of themselves to the internet drunkenly ranting about a casting choice with which they vehemently disagreed (to be fair, Jared Leto as the Joker wasn't great).

Those are signs that it's probably time to break into their bedroom while they're asleep, steal all of their Harry Potter merchandise and throw it onto a bonfire before they wake up. Or, at the very least, encourage them to think about scaling back their obsession, just enough that they wouldn't be the prime suspect if one of their heroes were to mysteriously go missing.

WWE fans can be just as bonkers of course. If you haven't met any in real life then you've probably seen one in the front row of a live show, draped in a full cosplay outfit and looking as though the prospect of their favourite wrestler losing a match might be enough to tip them over the edge.

Here are 10 signs that you might be one of them.

10. You Take Days To Get Over A Match Result

In some ways, this actually makes you a good fan, to be fair. WWE wants its audience to go away on a Sunday evening desperate for the next night's Raw to come around so they can see how the latest batch of results have affected the wrestling landscape. It's viewers like this that keep the product alive, really.


But while nobody likes seeing their team take a hiding, the pain of defeat can usually be offset with a stiff drink and a good night's sleep. All said, it's probably not a good sign if you're still trying to come to terms with a match result the following morning.

It's just that it could get in the way of your professional and social lives if you're too busy fretting over why Sami Zayn moved over to the dark side to pay attention to your manager's super-important meeting, or pick up on the at-last-reciprocated signals from the person you've been crushing on for the past month. That's all.

Having said that, few of us could concentrate in the week that immediately followed Brock Lesnar's victory over Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX. It's perfectly understandable if you needed some quiet time to fully digest the magnitude of what you had just witnessed.
