10 Signs You Watch Too Much WWE

9. Undertaker Is Your Go-to Halloween Costume

Daniel Bryan No

It's embarrassing when you rock up at a Halloween party to find that a friend is wearing the same adult-sized tricycle-accompanying Jigsaw costume - but that's no reason to turn to the WWE Shop for inspiration.

While it is undeniable that 'Taker - with his ability to manipulate the arena lighting and cast spells on those who wrong him - looks right at home in a list of cinema's most iconic horror characters, there are obvious downsides to dressing up as the Demon of Death Valley.

Most people won't have any idea who you're supposed to be, for one thing, so you're going to be relying on a very small group of people for social approval. You could also catch a cold, since 'Taker - unlike, say, Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger - is dressed for in-ring action (which means wearing a daringly low-cut shirt).

If you are intent on slipping into the guise of a WWE wrestler on 31 October then your best bet is probably Vince McMahon. It's equal parts subtle and terrifying, so it works on every level.

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Daniel Bryan
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