10 Small Details Wrestling Still Can’t Get Right

Watch TV properly, damn it!

By Jamie Kennedy /


Enjoying pro wrestling requires fans to play referee and look the other way when convenient. You must be able to stomach illogical events constantly, and it's nigh-on impossible to get through any show if minor peculiarities are something you find too annoying. There are smart moments, of course, but wrestling on the whole asks that viewers play along with the silliness and don't go digging for absurdities.


Tough, because there are loads of them.

WWE's product naturally drip-feeds tropes down to the rest of the industry. Promotions are wont to copy company ideas regularly (which makes sense due to the E's long-held status as market leader for generations now), and this poses another problem: WWE's own quirks often don't make much sense. Segments are rammed with tiny details that, for whatever reason, producers just cannot get right.


A word of warning is needed. This article goes super in-depth on several things some wrestling fanatics won't give a damn about. It peels beneath the request that people switch off their brains and looks at things logically, albeit in a business that's obsessed with contravening such logic...