10 Strangest Places Wrestling Attires Ended Up

WWE boss Vince McMahon, Triple H, Hulk Hogan and more all found their gear in random places.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Anyone who knows a pro wrestler, and has thus heard some of their tales, will also be aware that fans are obsessed with the thought of owning their ring attire. For some collectors, it's essential that items are "ring worn" (which does raise an eyebrow or two amongst those outside the biz) and have as much sweat or blood on them as possible.


It can get creepy, admittedly.

There's nothing eerie about any of the items here, but strange? That fits. Some masks, boots, robes, trunks, jackets and other pieces of attire have ended up in the most random of places over the years. For example, did anyone ever think that iconic announcer Jim Ross could one day prance around as one of his WrestleMania favourites and act like a bad ass?

He doesn't, hopefully, but JR could if he wanted to. The AEW man owns a timeless piece of pro wrestling history, and the same goes for some fans too - imagine getting the chance to play Vince McMahon from the comfort of your own home.

You won't believe where some of these items ended up...

10. Triple H’s Mask - CM Punk

It would've been the ultimate bit of banter had CM Punk debuted in AEW at Revolution and waltzed into view wearing Triple H's skull mask from WrestleMania XXVII. The rebellious little scamp could've done that too, because he owns the thing.



Of course, it could be a replica, which would spoil the fun a bit. If it's the genuine article though, then Punk has something that ol' Hunter would probably like on his mantelpiece. The ex-World Champ posted a cheeky pic of him wearing Trips' mask on his Instagram story a while back, and it was hilarious.

Somebody needs to ask Punk (maybe in one of his regular Twitter Q&As) if that's the real deal. If it is, then score one for rebellion! If it's a replica, then he could likely still sell it for decent cash now he's been pictured wearing it. Yep, wrestling can be odd.
