10 Terrifying Wrestling Moments That Still Scare Adults

Hoak Hogan beware, you're in for a scare.

By Michael Sidgwick /

Obviously, this list doesn't include harrowing, nausea-inducing moments. This is Halloween Content.


So it will not incorporate that time Matt Hardy narrowly avoided death on an AEW pay-per-view, Sid's fibula snapping in two, nor the idea that Randy Orton, who debuted precisely one year removed from WWE's last days as a mainstream concern and those two events perhaps are related, is entering his 18th year on top while cutting promos *even more slowly*.

Fear is a very difficult emotion to elicit in the pro wrestling arena, which is why the archetype has all but faded into view. Bray Wyatt's work descends into laughable shlock. That very opinion will enrage certain fans of his, but realistically, has he ever truly frightened you?

"Oh no! I fear he has ruined my chances with Alexa Bliss!!!" does not count as real fear, sorry.

The Dark Order weren't remotely scary, and so AEW reimagined the stable as a gaggle of endearing would-be babyfaces terrorised into a heel role by their monster of a leader.

The supernatural gimmick no longer works in an industry that is threatening to age out of itself - with one incredible exception...

10. Seven Scares Child Through Bedroom Window

Seven is mostly hilarious, but he's also terrifying.


Because of the implication.

Seven quite literally scared adults; Turner Standards and Practices nixed the persona under the very reasonable presumption that he was a child abductor. Dig deeper into the verbiage, and it scans as even more disturbing.

In a vignette screened before this insane Dustin Rhodes repackage, a man, or an entity, or Ole f*ckin' Anderson, given that hilarious gruff voice, spoke to a young boy through his bedroom window. "What's under your bed? What's in your closet? Who is in your window? Come to me and live forever."

So this was weird, but the new character wasn't necessarily a n*nce. Perhaps Seven simply saw the face of God in children and nothing untoward was going on at all! But then Seven said "Join me in complete bliss, mmm, that's right!"

"Mmm, that's right" is what male pornographic actors say when their eighth inch is getting gobbled. What else could whoever have wrote this meant by "bliss"?!

"Awake my son," Seven said.

"My" son.

Was this even worse than the worst possible thing?

It was WCW in 1999, so most likely yes.
