Even though it's been well over a year since the man left World Wrestling Entertainment, CM Punk still regularly dominates headlines on various pro wrestling-related websites and magazines. Nobody can deny that the man made quite the impact during his career, one that Punk himself claims is over for good. Making a pair of controversial appearances on Colt Cabana's 'Art Of Wrestling' podcast in late-2014, the former WWE Champion elected to tell his side of the story about why he decided to walk away from the biggest promotion in the entire industry shortly after the 2014 Royal Rumble. In the process, Punk angered a lot of people, not least Vince McMahon and Triple H, as well as causing quite the stir amongst the grappling community as a whole. During these interviews, CM Punk came across as a maverick, someone who simply doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him. In truth, the guy has always had an air of arrogance about him, but that's probably part of what has made him so successful. However, when he's criticising the company for all that is wrong with the world, Punk should sit back and realise just how much WWE meant to his life. This article is dedicated to exactly that, noting 10 different things which CM Punk would probably rather wrestling fans didn't focus on when he's spinning his own version of events.