10 Things You Didn’t Know About WWE In 1999

One of the craziest years in the history of WWE.

By Justin Seagull /

As we have seen from previous installments, sometimes the biggest stories in WWF/E happen off screen rather than on screen. Last time, in 1998, we learned that Crash Holly won a WWF contract based off one dark match, Bret Hart would have faced Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14, and Michaels was ready to come back after just one year. In 1999, the world unfortunately lost Owen Hart. But the WWF also had the Higher Power angle, the Austin-as-CEO angle, and the Chyna-as-WWF-Championship-contender angle. Even though the WWF was doing gangbusters and winning the Monday Night War, from a creative perspective, 1999 was all over the place. They were firmly rooted in the Crash TV style of booking, but it made for exciting television each week. With so much happening on- and off-screen, you€™d think you would know everything that went on backstage in the WWF, but you€™d be wrong. There are plenty of little nuggets of trivia that came from this year. Some of these you may have also known about, but simply forgot. After 1999, this column series will go backwards to 1992, then 1991, and so on and so forth. Without further adieu, here are 10 things you didn't know about the WWE in 1999.