10 Things We Can Expect Under President Rock In 2020

A vote for The Rock is a vote for the people.

By John Bills /


Just when you believed 2016 couldn't get any more ridiculous, Donald Trump comes along and actually wins the US Presidential Election. Donald Trump, an openly misogynistic, racist, anti-intellectual billionaire in a wig, has become the most powerful man in politics on the back of the populist vote. Don't let that sink in, because the bottle is not the answer.


There could be salvation in the future however, as our lord and saviour Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has been making waves in the media by refusing to rule out a run for president in the 2020 elections. Would Hollywood's number one actor give that life up in favour of the murky world of politics? Probably not, but we can dream.

What could we expect from President Rock? We hardly know what to expect from President Trump, but Rocky has given us enough over the years for an insight into what his reign would look like. It paints an exciting world, one full of boots meeting asses and plenty of helpings of strudel, both the literal and figurative type.


Here's what the world can expect from President Rock in 2020. Y'all better sign up to Instagram in preparation.