10 Things We Learned From DDP On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Podcast

DDP and Steve Austin talk, drink, cry and wax lyrical about WCW, WWE, tryouts, Paul Heyman and more.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Anyone hoping for 90 minutes of dirt about DDP's unwanted stalker angle in WWE would've left the latest 'Broken Skull Sessions' offering rather disappointed. Page and Steve Austin did talk about that jump from WCW and his feud with The Undertaker, but they didn't spend too much time on it.


It's worth knowing that going in, but don't let it put you off this supercharged interview. As always, 'Stone Cold' was a no-nonsense host (even when chatting to his old pal), and Page made for a fascinating guest who wasn't shy about getting emotional when reliving the biggest chapters from his unlikely in-ring career.

Together, Steve and Dallas covered everything from DDP's humble beginnings in the biz and the hidden impact of Paul Heyman on his fortunes to early (must see) WWF tryouts and an obvious chunk dedicated to his rise up the cards in WCW.

There's even some time for Austin to watch old WCW pay-per-view footage, which is incredible for hardcore fans, and Page drops a bombshell about his own personal outlook on the botched 'Invasion' angle.

Here's everything we learned from another Austin-led winner that flew past from minute one.

10. His Original Wrestling Name

It's a little-known fact that DDP tried to break into the pro wrestling industry as a youngster. Three matches in, he hurt his knee and had to take some time out to heal - that's when he fell into the bar business, things snowballed from there and he thought he'd never look back.


Page wasn't quite a 'Diamond' back then however.

He told Austin that he was actually known as 'Handsome' Dallas Page during that all-to-brief run in a few local territories pre-injury. Later, he'd go on to map out a fantasy journey as Diamond Dallas Page. During shifts managing clubs, Page would envision what it'd be like to run his own "Diamond Exchange", be flanked by the "Diamond Dolls" and more.

In other words, he predicted the first few years of his wrestling career before they even happened, and he didn't even think he'd have a hope in hell of making them a reality. Eventually though, 'Handsome' gave way to DDP.
