10 Things We Learned From Miro/Rusev On Talk Is Jericho

Shooting on WWE, joining AEW, getting fined for having fun and erectile dysfunction.

By Jamie Kennedy /


That's the face of a man who's sick of WWE's sh*t.


Recent AEW recruit Miro sat down with Chris Jericho for the latter's 'Talk Is Jericho' podcast to discuss his time as Rusev and the future. Jon Moxley's fiery shoot last year has created expectation; people want dirt from these pods, but everyone's favourite 'Bulgarian Brute' has a light-hearted approach to juicy stories.

Although he did question the WWE system and bang heads with Jericho to figure out what the hell they were thinking, Miro also made sure to show gratitude for some amazing experiences. This is a dude who learned English because he saw Hulk Hogan VHS tapes as a kid and wanted to be like him. His outlook is also deceptively simple: "If you do better, you should be on top".


That led to frustrations he couldn't overcome in WWE. The company were never going to use the Rusev character how he thought it should be used, and that's why Miro wasn't totally gutted when Vince McMahon cut him loose. His only concern was finding another place that'd showcase his talents.

Here's everything we learned from a quite charming chat...
