10 Things WWE Did Right At Payback

An exciting main event capped off a PPV filled with good matches all night long.

By John Canton /

This year's Payback pay-per-view featured several very good matches as well as a very memorable moment in the main event featuring the three former members of The Shield. Since WWE is running monthly PPVs as well as bonus shows like the upcoming Elimination Chamber, it's going to be hard to produce quality shows every single time. Give them credit, though. Payback was a lot of fun. When members of the WWE Universe check out a PPV style event they want to see quality wrestling matches from top to bottom. That's what we got on Sunday night. Going into the show, a lot of the outcomes were predictable. There were three title matches and none of them really felt like there would be a title change. That's because WWE wants to book some of their current as long term title holders to try to establish their titles as important. There was no IC Title match due to Daniel Bryan relinquishing the gold last Monday on Raw and the Divas Title wasn't on the line because the champion Nikki Bella was in a tag match. Payback was the second best WWE PPV this year after WrestleMania. Strong matches all through the show certainly helped, but there wasn€™t anything that surprising that took place to really make it stand out more than that. Here are ten things WWE did right at Payback with a look at what happened from the start of the night to the excellent main event that ended the show.