10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Jeremy Borash

JB played a big part in Matt Hardy's 'Broken Brilliance'...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Impact Wrestling/WWE

By signing Jeremy Borash, WWE are getting their grubby mitts on one of pro wrestling's most resourceful men this century.


That sounds like a pretty bold statement considering Borash has been working in the biz for almost 20 years and some more casual WWE fans might never have heard of him. Now he's under the McMahon umbrella, that should change, and it's about time. Make no mistake about it, JB deserves the chance to work in WWE's pressure cooker environment.

If life is fair, he'll thrive.


So, to those scratching their heads and wondering why the internet has been back-patting Jeremy like an old pal over the past 24 hours or so, what do you need to know? Borash is more, way more, than just the bug-eyed dude (with a voice akin to Kermit The Frog) from TNA...