10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Mick Foley

What made him quit when he was a commentator and was he always in the WM2000 main event?

By John Canton /

There's an argument that could be made that Mick Foley is the most beloved person in the history of WWE. He's a guy that doesn't have the look of a bodybuilder and he wouldn't be confused with a sharp dressed man, but he is as likable as anybody there's ever been. A big reason why Foley was so beloved as Mankind, Cactus Jack and Dude Love was because he was one of us. He was just a regular guy that people wanted to hug or hang out with. Sometimes wrestlers aren't relatable to regular people because they're extremely tall or muscular, but Foley's regular guy demeanor made him as likable as anybody there's ever been. Foley was a unique blend of a hardcore wrestler that put his body on the line in order to entertain us while also mixing in comedy whenever he needed to. Once the injuries started piling up he relied on the comedy more. He was very smart in terms of knowing the right way to take his persona. There are a lot of things out there about Foley thanks to the very detailed books he's written, DVD documentaries about his career, his comedy shows that he's been doing for several years and his openness during interviews. He's also somebody that is generally well liked, so there aren't any backstage fight incidents or anything like that where people talk badly about him. Whenever I do this "WWE wants you to forget" feature the key thing to remember is that it's only stuff from a guy's WWE career. He started out in WCW, but that's not something WWE had any control over. He started in 1996, stayed through most of the 2000s, left for a few years and came back "home" in 2011. In 2013 he was inducted into WWE's Hall of Fame in Madison Square Garden. He's had a great career, but just like so many others there are a number of things that WWE doesn't want us to remember for one reason or another. Here's a look at nine things WWE wants you to forget about Mick Foley.